Online groups and programs

Awakening as Love groups
A 6 week program to find Love in all aspects of your life
The Awakening as Love group is an invitation to the heart to open to the reality of conscious being, not apart from Life, but in Life, in every moment. Love is the ultimate reality that we can ‘melt into’ through seeing clearly the ego tendencies that veil and distort this reality, and that lead us into endless rounds of trying to control, fix, and plan it. Ego resists Life. Love is a full embrace of it, all of it.
What does this look like practically, in our everyday lives? When we let Life teach us, it can reveal the Love that we are in every moment. From having lost our way in it, we can let it take us all the way home. The group program is a powerful way of helping you do just that.
The program is like a series of mini-satsangs, gathering together to inquire into and explore the nature and ultimate truth of what appears as our moment-to-moment experience.
Next starting date: Fall 2017, probably on Tuesdays, at 2pm EST, 11am PST, 7pm UK, 8pm Europe; or according to the availability of group participants.
The program:
A 6 week program to find Love in all aspects of your life
The Awakening as Love group is an invitation to the heart to open to the reality of conscious being, not apart from Life, but in Life, in every moment. Love is the ultimate reality that we can ‘melt into’ through seeing clearly the ego tendencies that veil and distort this reality, and that lead us into endless rounds of trying to control, fix, and plan it. Ego resists Life. Love is a full embrace of it, all of it.
What does this look like practically, in our everyday lives? When we let Life teach us, it can reveal the Love that we are in every moment. From having lost our way in it, we can let it take us all the way home. The group program is a powerful way of helping you do just that.
The program is like a series of mini-satsangs, gathering together to inquire into and explore the nature and ultimate truth of what appears as our moment-to-moment experience.
Next starting date: Fall 2017, probably on Tuesdays, at 2pm EST, 11am PST, 7pm UK, 8pm Europe; or according to the availability of group participants.
- Are you a therapist or healer interested in an Awakening as Love group for therapists and healers? If so, please let me know by sending me an e-mail.
The program:
- week 1: arriving in this moment: opening to what is
- week 2: how am I resisting Life?
- week 3: surrender: melting into this moment
- week 4: not knowing, trusting the mystery of Love
- week 5: the flavors of Love: love, joy, compassion, kindness, gentleness, sweetness, wonder
- week 6: Love in action: how does Love move in our lives?
How does this group work?
Dear Grace, we just finished our group and I just want to say THANK YOU. I find that something about this spacious loving space you create really allows that to be here in me and I really experience this in the online group with you, it is a beautiful gift you bring to us. I feel blessed to have this from my own home, in my family life without having to move out into a satsang space or to be on retreat or to have to go to India or somewhere traditional that these precious spaces have been revered. Bless you for being here and for helping me/us to realise this space right here 'within' and embodying it 'without' so it is realized to always be here, no matter what story is running or feelings thoughts sensations are occurring... It feels very loving, holding and deeply caring having your presence at this time of transition, rewiring and re-anchoring... Love love love, |
What will you get out of participating in this group?
Is this group for you?
This group is for you if you feel that Love or your heart are calling you, and if you resonate with a few of these descriptions:
- 1-on-1 attention and guidance for your personal inquiry and process without having to pay for more expensive 1-on-1 sessions.
- Insight and support through the sharing of the others in the group: we learn so much from witnessing one another in our challenges and insights.
- Comments and support by others through the private facebook group.
- Access to videos of the sessions so that you can watch a session again that you have missed or that was really powerful for you.
- For those of you who would like to continue to participate in group meetings and inquiry, you can join the 'old timers' group that meets once a month, after the 6-week program is over. If there is enough interest to continue on a weekly basis, there is also the possibility of adding another 6 weeks to the initial program.
Is this group for you?
This group is for you if you feel that Love or your heart are calling you, and if you resonate with a few of these descriptions:
- I'm ready to open to the reality of Love much more fully and unconditionally.
- I'm ready to let go of trying to control or fix my life.
- I'm a 'devotional type', I love serving in some way.
- My heart seems to be the gateway to deep spiritual experiences and insights.
- I'm ready and willing to look at and work with what comes up for me in my life.
- I'd like some focused attention and guidance for spiritual questions and issues that have come up for me lately.
- I like the idea of sharing my spiritual inquiry and unfolding with others who are dedicated to theirs.
Working with Grace and our "Awakening as Love" group was profoundly moving and powerful. While I would not have believed that it was possible to create such intimacy and presence in an online environment, in fact it was, in large part because of the open and loving way that Grace held the space. Together we created the actual experience of living from/as love, rather than just discussing the concept of it. Grace helped me walk through a time of great change, and to do so in a way that was compassionate and fresh. I was enriched and nourished each week, and continue to be even now after the group has ended. It is a wonderful opportunity to work with Grace and I feel grateful to have had such an experience. I will do it again.
Nancy Colier,
Why am I offering this program and what are my credentials?
I love working with people in a way that combines close attention to how we function psychologically with spiritual insight and inquiry, allowing all of Life to invite us into Love and to teach us about where we're stuck in ego. This work draws on many of my strengths and passions: my lifelong experience of teaching and guiding groups, first in academia, and for the last 16 years in personal development, meditation, and 'spiritual support groups'; my background and expertise in psychology and counseling, working with people 1-on-1 to help them flourish and thrive; my ability to 'tune into' people's energy and help them move out of stuck places; and, last but not least, the ongoing deepening of my own opening into Love. For more information about my professional credentials, please check out the About Grace page.
I love working with people in a way that combines close attention to how we function psychologically with spiritual insight and inquiry, allowing all of Life to invite us into Love and to teach us about where we're stuck in ego. This work draws on many of my strengths and passions: my lifelong experience of teaching and guiding groups, first in academia, and for the last 16 years in personal development, meditation, and 'spiritual support groups'; my background and expertise in psychology and counseling, working with people 1-on-1 to help them flourish and thrive; my ability to 'tune into' people's energy and help them move out of stuck places; and, last but not least, the ongoing deepening of my own opening into Love. For more information about my professional credentials, please check out the About Grace page.
Would you like to see what it's like to be in a meeting?
Here are two video extracts from sessions of an earlier Awakening as Love group program. I was part of Grace Bubeck's "Awakening as Love" online 6 week course. I had a profound shift in the course, realizing that love comes from me, rather than searching for it in another person, and expecting them to be exactly as I want them to be. Any questions?
Contact me by e-mail. I'll be happy to respond to your questions. It's important that it feels good or right for you to take part in the group. |
Fee for the 6-week program:
- $150 (USD)