In reflecting on this, I realized that my being single didn't stand in the way of my appreciating and celebrating their love and long life together. We all have experience of loving relationship in one form or another. We all know the moment-to-moment experience of our heart closing with conflict, disappointment or pain, and thus the challenge of keeping our hearts open, or daring to open them again. These are the most deeply meaningful and spiritually growth-full experiences of our human lives. And celebrating others in their loving relationship is inspiring for all of us, as it evokes the reality, truth and power of love in our own hearts. It's contagious and healing at the same time (except if we hold on to a belief that we're deprived, or not capable, of living it, which is not true, ever).
And so the day was an occasion for all of us to bask in the glow of love. No doubt some of us took that in more fully than others, but all of us were touched by Love's grace, even my nephew for whom all of our hearts were beating with tender compassion. We were touched by my parents' love, which created our family, and our love for each other, including all the rough edges, of course! There is no human story without those, but there is also no human story without a touch of Love's grace. It's up to us what we choose to focus on.